Wednesday 21 October 2015

Insparation from film and other media

For our music video we have looked at other music videos and media to take inspiration and components to use in our own video. We have looked at 4 pre-existing music videos to take components from. The reason we have done this is to make sure our music video is as professional as it could possibly be as all this videos are real and work. Where as if we tried to re-inventing music video it could end up looking poor.

The first video is Frank Turner - The Next Storm. From this video we are taking inspiration from the camera angles where we are going use a lot of the same angles and close ups on instruments and performance clips. as well as taking inspiration for the second narrative in a darker room completely juxtaposing the high key lighting in the performance. Something which we have planed to do in our own when looking at the polaroid pictures in the room and the flash backs (reliving the memories).

The second video is Some Nights - Fun - Peter Hollens. he is a you tuber that creates music video covarages his self. the element were looking to take from him is two coustumes that contradict each other (black shirt, white tie/ white shirt, black tie). Something that is very simple but looks very pleasing to watch and breaks up the scenes really nicely.

The third music video we have looked at to take inspiration from is Frank Turner - The Way I Tend To Be. we looked at this one as it is a Frank Turner video and this means we can copy his visual style and represent it in our own video. From this video we are looking to use the type of low key lighting as well as the location shots, as we want to carry his iconography across to our own video as well as have planed a similar location for some of our narrative.

The last music video we have looked at and took inspiration from is One Direction - Story of My Life. From this video  we have only looked at one thing that we have decided to use in our own. This is the use of pictures coming alive to show memory's and tell the narrative. Which as our song is about polaroid pictures and the memories you can catch with them we felt would be appropriate.


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