In the book he came up with codes and conventions for music videos called Goodwin's 7.

1. All videos demonstrate certain genre characteristics. for example male boy bands and female singers all use dance routines, rappers will throw loads of gang signs.
The example I have is a girls aloud and busted music video both contain a dance routine and singing into microphones both stereotypes of their type of genre.
2. There is always a relationship between lyrics and visual. it will either illustrate or contradict the words.
The example I have used is Lunchmoney Lewis- Bills were the visual are him playing a few different charters working for a living to pay there bills like the lyrics of the song.
3. there is a relationship between the music and the visuals. This could be how its edited or the movement in the piece in time to the music or cut to the beat.
4. The demands of the record label that need for lots of close ups of the artist in order to promote them. most Britney spear videos are a good example of this as she will have hundreds of close ups throughout, The video I have as an example is toxic.

5. The artist may develop modifies or iconography that recut across their work. It has a repetitive visual style.
the example I have for this is George Ezra as all of his videos have a similar lay out where for the majority of it he lip syncs the song with a small amount of narrative happening around him.

6. There are frequently reference to the notion of looking. There will be TV screens or video cameras. or References to looking at a female body for pleasure.
The screen shots for the example I have for screens of screens is Hard Fi - Stars of CCTV as the video is based around them performing there song and hacking in to broadcast to perform it so cameras and TV screens are used throughout.

7. There are intertextual references mostly film but also other music videos or in some cases popular culture.

Goodwin's theory will be helpful when creating my own video as I can use it as a criteria to test my drafts and ideas against, and improve on to include if key ones are missing.
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