Tuesday, 22 September 2015

pitch idea listening to the song

The Bluestone's - Autophilia
We were played this song in lesson without the video 3 times and then had to put a pitch together for the music video.

Our video started with a guy in a shop looking at woman in lots of different colour dresses with price tags around their neck with him deciding to "buy" the woman at the end, and then leave with her.
he then begins to take her on a series of dates in which he falls in love with her until we get to the verse:
"I like to burn some rubber,
I like to feel the steel,
I like to put my foot down,
I like to take the wheel,
She purrs just like a kitten
She'll go that final mile
But if she's rocking don't come knocking for a while"
Where you see them being really in love he proposes she says yes and then they kiss and go home together where they sleep together.
It then returns to the chorus which each time before we've seen the same similar montage of them flirting and messing around and "I'm on a double yellow line" been balancing on a different yellow object.  
"Pay no attention to the sign
No stopping anytime
Come park that chassis next to mine
You know
I'm on a double yellow line."
However this time they are by the side of the road on the yellow lines and as the song comes to end the camera pans round to just the man then back round to see the woman has diapered and instead in her place there is a sports car in her place parked on the lines, conetating the whole time he has been falling in love with his car that he bought to the point he saw it as his "girl".


Friday, 18 September 2015

Lip Synching and its importance

When I come to create my own music video I will need to have my actor/singer lip sync the words to the song I chose as well as sync any instrumental moments on a guitar or drums, e.c.t. This is so when the audio is added it is in times with the moment of the lips or any instrument played in shot so that it matches up otherwise it looks really off and takes away from the rest of the  video.

A good example of this is Coldplay - The Scientist because not only does the audio match up with his lips because the entire video was filmed and then played in rewind he had to learn to sing the entire song backwards so that his lips would matchup with what he was singing in the video.

Instrumental syncing is also important as if the instruments in the video don't line up with the ones in the track so they don't look out of place in the song and match up with the music played so they visually make sense to be there.

Lyric anaylisis and there importance

In class I was given the lyrics to "leave right now" by Will Young  as I have never seen the music video before and had to come up with a narrative to the music video if I was directing it.
This task was helpful as it gave me a chance to practise coming up for a narrative when it comes to picking and directing a music video for my own song.
The video is the original music video which I watched after to compare to my own and although its completely different I feel I did it justice.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Song lryics why there important?

song lyrics can have one or more of these four puposes:
- To tell a story and create a narrative
- To engage the audince and to get people to relate to them
- To set up the scene
- To convey a message thrpugh the song

Some lyrics have a big effect on the music video and its narrative others can completly contridict them.
An example of a song thats narritive completly follows the words in the song is Friday by Rebecca Black where everything she sings about can be seen around her.

The second example is of pink's faimly portrait where the video echos the words but on a lot less obviouse level with much more sutle nods to the lyrics in the video.

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Analysis of a Magazine advert

The magazine article is very simple and uses the same picture as the one on the front of the artist digipak.

The text is used for the artist name the album name and important information regarding the date and the availability. The fonts used are bold and clear with an artistic one used for "David Glimour" - the name of the artist to conetate he is the artist and a clear spaced out one for the name of the album with the o and c of lock conected together to represent a key to straight up represent the theme of the album.

The colors used are quite dark and dull and the use of the raven at the front of the birds leaving the cage adds to a very sinister vibe that conatates that the music in the album is quite dark and mysterious.

Friday, 11 September 2015

anaylisis of digipak

Rihanna - loud digipak
Rihanna's digipack has a very simplistic design featuring her face in the centre to promote her image as a star to her target audience. the pack unfolds to hold two CDs that are designed to look like roses, and the pack contains a picture of Rihanna laying on a bed of red roses to conatate love.

The design has themes of red throughout with her lips and hair coloured to match the roses and really stand out on the shelf amongst others in shops to make sure her album is the one that's picked up.

there is little use of text on the case with it on the front for the name of the artist and album but no where else in white and in a basic font with the entire words written in capitals which conatates her importance's . however it is a difficult to see over the red and over colours used.

Doing this will help when it comes to designing my own as it gives me an idea of what works in a digipak, like the use of a continuous theme in colours and imagery. And typography used to make sure it stands out.

This will help me when it comes to creating my own digipack as it has shown me how to set a clear theme across the pack which helps to self promote the song, as well as what not to do with text in particular as on this didgipack it is not readable and although Rihanna's face sells the album as everyone knows who she is we wont have this with whoever we chose so the name and title needs to be big, in order to start promoting a star image.

purpose of a Digipak

The main purpose of a digipak is to hold one or more CDs as well as possibly a DVD in its casing while promoting the album.

It will contain cover work, a list of songs, will unfold to reveal more panels and can sometimes even have lyrics to the songs on it.

The front will often promote the album and will have the album name and usually the artist name printed on it.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

purpose of a Magazine advert

The purpose of a magazine advert is to promote new albums directly to the target audience and fans by putting them in relevant magazine that they would buy, and telling them about it what date its released and in what formats e.g. CD, digital, vinyl, ITunes. The advert will often be simple with a picture relating to the theme of the album or of the artist/band on it, the name in big appropriate text and sometimes a picture of the album cover as well.

Purpose of a music video

The purpose of a music video can be to promote.
Most music videos are designed to promote the artist with lots of shots of them singing there song or star in a narrative in order to build an image for the artist and increase their fans. It is also designed to promote the song with a video that can be memorial and associated with the music when ever you see it or here the song, This is to create interest in songs and in some cases (e.g. PSY - GANGNAM STYLE ) can be an internet sensation being watched and shared so much it creates a name for the artist.